1 ذ - ترجم


The most important thing is not to know how the apostles of Jesus died, the most important thing is that they were all ready to die for their faith. If Jesus had not risen, his apostles would have known and none of them would have accepted Jesus' death. What made them accept the wrongful death and refuse to deny Jesus shows that they are witnesses of his resurrection.

It is in this context that we are going to look together at the end of each apostle and the death he suffered in order to better understand the value of the blood of Jesus Christ because the courage of these apostles is incomparable and he would not have been able to do it without the power of the Holy Spirit to enable him to testify to Jesus until his death.

JOHN: they burned him in a barrel of oil where he came out as a young man and they cooked him as an old man. When they saw that he was not dead, they took him to the island of Patimos.

On the island of Patimos, he wrote the revelations that took place in that retreat until he was returned to Ephesus where he wrote the 3 letters of John. you are the only one who has died of old age.

MATHIAS (who succeeded Judas): they stoned him after he breathed in the spirit and cut off his skull.

SIMONI ZEROTE: he was killed in Africa when they sent him to Urukero

JACOB (Jesus' brother): They preached to him at the temple, he fell down and began to pray, and he died. That happened in Jerusalem.

Thaddeus: They shot him and defeated him in Phenicia when he went to preach in Judah and Mesopotamia.

THOMAS: he was speared in the middle of the day from preaching in India (even now in India the mountain where he was killed is named after him :st-thomas)

MATTHEW: he was called Levi; this one was slaughtered like a goat to be slaughtered.

Bartholomew: They flayed him alive when they found him preaching the good news. After they skinned him, he died three days later.

PHILIP: He was personally crucified in Thierapolis. buried by Bartholomew

ANDREYA: He was killed in Constantinople and they also impaled him. It was invented by Maximilien.

SIMONI Peter: he was from the Baptist of Galilee) was crucified and shot, fell to Rome in Italy.

Dear brothers and sisters, we should ask God to give us the strength to testify to him both in good times and in times of trouble, and we should not deny him and Jesus said: "Those who accuse me before men, I will accuse them before my heavenly Father."


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