Oct 8, 2022
Story of Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II was the daughter of king George vi Queen Elizabeth II was
born in 1926 and was crowded to be the Queen of united kingdom in 1953 after
death of her father king George vi . Queen Elizabeth II was supposed to be the
Queen at 25 age only, Queen Elizabeth II was the Queen that rule longtime in
united kingdom history
In 1939 when princess Elizabeth was 13 years old she created national second
world war musium in united kingdom
At her kingdom Queen Elizabeth II Queen Elizabeth II and his husband prince
Philip visit west Germany in 1965 as her first trip her journey help to make
social and political change in West Germany.
Queen Elizabeth II visit republic of Ireland in 2011.when the Queen visit
Ireland they solve problem come from conflicts between united kingdom and north
Queen Elizabeth II avoid racism in common wealth,she support racial Justice in
world level,for example in 1961 Queen dance with kwame nkrumah inorder to show
that there is no different between black and white.
Queen Elizabeth II on her time reformed the monarch finance.she reduced the
money that government give royal family from 86£ millions down to 44£ millions
per year .
Queen Elizabeth II was first to address Congress in 1991
Queen was married to prince Philip at 73 yeras she have four children and
eight grand children ,her reign spanned 15 prime ministers and 14 us presidents
,she witnessed enormous historical and social change,she was the first British
monorchy ever visit republic of Ireland
Prince Philip died in April 2021 and Queen Elizabeth II died in September 202
Frank Ishimwe
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