1 Samuel 8:1-21 Samuel was aleader in Israel and all his life he served the Lord,one day nation leaders went to samuel and said to him that,you are an old man,now we want aking to be our leader just like all other nations choose one for us, Samuel was upset and he prayed about it and Lord answered samuel,just do everything they want you to do iam the really the one they have rejected and samuel went back to people and told them what the Lord has said,in verse 11-21 he told them how king will treat them but they could not listening to samuel, king will take your slaves,your best young men to do his work,your donkeys,tenth of your sheeps goats,you will become kings slaves,he will take your best fields,as well as your vineyyards,and olive oil orchards and gave them to his own officials. verse 18 later you will finally cry for the Lord to save you from the king you wanted but the Lord won't answer your prayers...wakenya tuache kiburi na matusi si kuzuri tu tubu natumrudie Mungu.
Faith Onami
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