Well today marks yet another sad day . As I woke up today to a news in a local Luo channel called Ramogi. A young man committed suicide and no one is even aware of what really caused him to do so. It bothers me that in this generation people can look so happy yet they are so sad and stressed on the inside. Mental health has grown to be another problem yet not so much spoken about. The society expects so much from people resulting to mounting pressure on individuals. Failure had been described with even the least set backs in life..such that if a bad thing happens to a person or if success delays a little bit then the person's life is already declared a fail. What really affects the current generation is the fear to be different. People have grown to believe that the only way to survive is to identify with a certain group of people mostly with wealth. Some get so lost in trying to fit in and if everything don't go as expected depression kick in and that is a situation if not salvaged on time the worsed might happen.
#no to depression
#mental health awareness
Irene Adhiambo