2 tahun - Menerjemahkan

Among the game animals encountered,the #cheetah is one of the popular ones, though it is not one of #the Big Five - Lion,Leopard, Elephant,Buffalo and Rhino.so many people mistake #cheetah for Leopard but it is easy to distinguish between them. #the cheetah is slimmer and slightly taller,it's solid black spots are dotted evenly over it's body and legs.its tails ringed and has a white tip.The #cheetah is mainly recognized by its black #"tear" marks that run from the front of it's eyes to it's mouth.it is very easy to see the cheetah than the #leopard,beacause it comes out in the day-time ,where as the leopard hunts at #night.The cheetah is said to be the #fastest animal in the earth over short distance and this sudden dash makes sure of it's prey.it Is able to run at a maximum speed of about #110km per hour.
The cheetah has a stride #of 23 feet's when running flat out. #it hunts mostly during the first few hours of the morning and the last few hours in the evening .it mostly #attacks medium and small antelopes,particularly Thomson's gazelles and impalas.it also attacks small #wilderbeest and zebra,young warthogs and African hare. #Male cheetah hunting together can kill an almost full-grown wildebeest.it is neither a scavenger nor return to a kill.
The cheetah can be easily tamed as a household pet.It #purrs loudly when pleased and growls deeply when angered or hurt.its claws are like the dog's and do not retract

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