3 년 - 번역하다

What to eat for good heart?

Article referenced from: http://vietherbal.com/dich-vu/....cao-duoc-lieu-c3n196
Ultimately, cardiologists say, the answer is not figuring out how to control the sodium content of what we normally eat, but changing what we eat. Article source: http://vietherbal.com/

According to nutritionists: “We never recommend those salt substitutes but instead use natural herbs, both dried and fresh, to enhance the flavor of foods.

Cardiologists have interpreted such a change as an adjustment of the palate.

Because we are used to foods that are high in salt and use salt and other high salt seasonings, such as soy sauce, sweet savory sauces, and all the different types of black salt and himalaya salt that are now popular. variable, it may take weeks or months to make this adjustment.

An easy way to reduce sodium in our diet is by purposefully adding foods that are naturally sodium-free, including all fruits and vegetables, say nutritionists. fresh. "This helps to naturally remove items with a higher sodium content."

They explained that eating a piece of fruit before lunch or dinner, for example, could be a way to help reduce sodium intake while increasing absorption of many beneficial nutrients, including potassium.

"Adding fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables while reducing sodium intake has been shown to be as effective as adding a blood pressure-lowering medication," as stated by nutritionists.

While it took some time to make the switch and see the benefits, they also said the positives were clear.

The nutritionists also note: “Less bloating, reduced water retention, easier weight loss due to not being stimulated by salt, and most importantly, a (rapid) decrease in blood pressure in salt-sensitive individuals. .
You may be interested: http://novaco.vn/gia-cong-cao-duoc-lieu-d175.html

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