3 yıl - çevirmek

By Charles NDUNGU.

Last Sunday I decided to take my kids to a national park.Thinking my 5 year old son was ready for this.
I brought him on with me and he wasn't ready at all.From the moment our car took off ,I could notice that he was terrified.So,I had to hold him and told him that it shall be well.I kept repeating the same words throughout the journey and assured him that he was safe with me.
I reconnected that he is afraid of wild animals right from home as he couldn't watch a wildlife documentary with me.
One of the key responsibilities of a parent is to create a safe and stable environment for their kids.When they feel safe,they have the freedom to grow and explore. Otherwise,they are consumed by fear and anxiety.
There are many horrible things that can happen in our child's life since the world can be dangerous. From fires,car accidents, shootings in schools among others.As a parent,our children count on us to give them safe space to explore the world and help them become independent individuals.
Kids will always respond to unsafe feelings in a variety of ways.They might cry more,struggle to fall asleep,have nightmares or even isolate themselves.Our children need our help to feel safe to feel safe and manage the feelings associated with tragedy and violence.

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