Install Palscity app
100000 人の友達の上限に達しました!
ファイル サイズ エラー: ファイルが許可された制限 (488 MB) を超えているため、アップロードできません。
ファイルをアップロードできません: このファイルの種類はサポートされていません。
アップロードした画像にアダルト コンテンツが含まれていることが検出されたため、アップロード プロセスを拒否しました。
画像、動画、音声ファイルをアップロードするには、プロ メンバーにアップグレードする必要があります。 プロ仕様にアップグレードする
コンテンツや投稿を販売するには、まずいくつかのパッケージを作成します。 収益化
komugisha catherine
Catherine Mwangi
Ukah mmadukwe Emmanuel
*Take this serious please🔥🔥*
*I hardly do all this stuff precisely but, has read about their intentions and decided to share with you*
_This is how it will work after launch in DECEMBER_
You'll get $100 dollars annually on a single person using internet through you.
That's about about N54,000 annually.
Divide this by 12 is N4500 you'll get every month.
Let's assume you have 10 people under you.... Per month, that's N4500 x 10 =
I no Sabi math...pls help calculate....
The era of using internet without gain is over.
It's absolutely free for now.
Just give out your own affiliate link too to people to register through you.
*It's not enough to register only.*
*It is until you spread your link that you get your account activated*
Your account is not active yet, until then
Spread link till i have how many people registered?
At worst, 2 working people.
I mean 2 people that will do the same too,
Now that it is pre-launch coz, it's free......
By next month mid, it will be registered with money. Register please do now and Start earning $300 monthly but I has conditions to start earning oo
👉 Refer at least 3 people under you
👉Tell those 3 to refer their 3 too
👉 Tell the 3 referred by the 3's to refer their 3 people
[11/16, 11:53 PM] Mmadukwe Emmanuel 😍: If you miss it you will say I told you 🤗🤗🤗🤗
[11/16, 11:53 PM] Mmadukwe Emmanuel 😍:
Our Services Earn From Affiliate Network
What is the Cost to Join as an Affiliate?
Currently FREE to Join as an Affiliate!
Before the timer reaches ZERO it is free for affiliates to join.
Affiliates that join in pre-launch will never pay a fee to remain an affiliate.
After the timer shows ZERO, we launch and all new affiliates will have to pay to join! See cost below.
You now have limited time to build your network while it is FREE to join.
Get ready to deploy your network on launch. Be prepared for life changing money and a great future, it will come to those who have built!
Everyone you know can join your network below you. There are no fees for pre launch. Build, build, build!
After Launch - New Affiliates will be Charged $199.00 ONCE OFF to Join 👉👉👉👉
[11/16, 11:54 PM] Mmadukwe Emmanuel 😍: Before December ending you will be the one to thank me later
[11/16, 11:55 PM] Mmadukwe Emmanuel 😍: While registering if you have any issue let me know
[11/17, 123 AM] Mmadukwe Emmanuel 😍: For now it is free to join
After lunch you have to pay money
[11/17, 123 AM] Mmadukwe Emmanuel 😍: Lunch date is counting 🤗🤗
Join now and build your network
Faustine James
Lydiah Nyaboke