3 yıl - çevirmek

Some people are scared of fixing their problems because they have to confront themselves as the cause. Some fled personal development and avoided building self reliance to jump into marriages at insanely young age then they come up 5 or 10 years later narrating the ordeals they have put up with, assuming you're a fan of real life horror movies. Others condoned serial flirting or outright cheating from the word go and they have the audacity to play victims years later, pretending they were forgiving and trying to make things work while they know too well they were trying to domesticate a wild animal. Others waste all their prime years in a very lopsided relationship with a person who is clearly unavailable or perpetually lying to them. The real thing that holds them there is their own fear of doing the hard work of searching and they half-dream that a miracle can happen with this unavailable person to make them the right person. They go on dreaming because if they woke up they would hate what they have to deal with. Sometimes don't even try to rouse such people especially if you suspect that they enjoy their dreamworld more than the real world.

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