3 ans - Traduire

Why did I have to travel from my village to this city?

To look for ‘hope’ that everyone from the town was talking about,

To write a story of myself,

To see the struggles that everyone from the city was talking about,

To understand how people were starting their lives in the paper bag houses to apartments,

I heard several stories from when I was growing up, “that real stories begin in the city.”

For sure, it is.
This is the city where some people dress well every morning with nothing in the pockets.

Where people have big titles but with no money.

Where people have good qualifications that aren’t helping them at all.

There are painful stories in the city; at the same time, there are inspiring stories.

But the truth is,
Your story is determined by how much you stick to “what brought you to the city.”

Some of us came with no connections, no qualifications, and no experience.

And to make it worse, some came with zero skills.
Another thing; Life doesn’t come with a manual. You just have to figure out what is working for you.

Some are making money from their natural talents, and some earn from their skills,

Some are just entrepreneurs,

Some are making money from the investment they made in their education.

Hehe, some are even making money through lying to us. And those are the leaders we fight for in every election.

Just stick to what brought you to the city.


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