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Sheath blight control fungicide

Sheath blight is a serious disease that affects rice crops worldwide, resulting in yield losses and significant economic impact. Fungicides play a crucial role in managing sheath blight and protecting crop yield and quality.

When selecting a fungicide for sheath blight control, it is essential to consider factors such as efficacy, mode of action, application timing, and resistance management. There are several fungicides available on the market that have shown effectiveness against sheath blight, including carpropamid, boscalid, and fluazinam.

It is recommended to follow integrated pest management practices when using fungicides to control sheath blight. This includes rotating fungicides with different modes of action, using cultural practices to reduce disease pressure, and monitoring fungicide resistance. Additionally, always follow label instructions and guidelines for proper application and safety precautions.

By implementing an effective fungicide program for sheath blight control, growers can mitigate the impact of this disease on their rice crops and maximize yield potential.

visit : https://juagrisciences.com/Disease-Control

Sheath Blight Control Fungicide | Sheath Blight Disease - JU Agri Sciences

We are leading manufacturer of Sheath Blight Control Fungicide in India.

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