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Why drink water?
Water is found everywhere in our body, from the aorta (the largest blood vessel in our body) to the zygoma (a bone in the skull). Our bodies consist of more than 60 percent water by weight.Plus, certain tissues and organs have even higher concentrations of water. The brain is about 70 percent water, and the lungs contain even more: up to 90 percent!We not only use water to clean the outside of our bodies, but the inside as well. Even on the microscopic level, water is a cleansing agent and referred to as the “universal solvent.” Many compounds can be dissolved in water and thus put into solution. Blood, for example, is approximately 83 percent water. The remaining percent consists of blood cells, nutrients, hormones, etc. Without adequate water, our blood would become concentrated. To give you a picture of what would happen: Imagine washing dishes with concentrated orange juice mix. You’d have a very sticky situation!
Without enough water in the body, major organs like the brain, heart and other organs fail to work in the best way possible. At this point most people suffer dehydration and can result in premature aging, stress on kidneys, arthritis among other health conditions

What are some of the early symptoms of dehydration?

Mild dehydration is a 1 to 3 percent reduction in body weight as a result of fluid loss and can cause:
Loss of appetite
Flushed skin
Heat intolerance,
Dry mouth and eyes
Lack of skin elasticity
Stomach pains which could be confused as hunger
Slower metabolism, which can result in weight gain

1. It is very easy to become dehydrated. Going one day without adequate water can cause moderate dehydration. Going two days without water could result in a life-threatening case of dehydration.

2. Increasing water intake to approximately 5%bwt in litres per day is the best way to ensure proper kidney function, avoid kidney stones, flush impurities from the blood, and protect against urinary tract infections.

3. Your joints are cushioned by fluid-filled sacs, but when you are dehydrated, your body draws water from these nonessential areas to supply water to more vital areas. As a result, joints are not adequately cushioned and movement can become painful. In fact, moderate and severe dehydration can actually mimic arthritic conditions!

4. Drink between meals to ensure optimal digestion; it is best to abstain from water about a half hour before meals and one hour after eating. Too much water during meals will dilute stomach enzymes and interrupt the digestion process.

5. When your body is dehydrated, nerve transmission is compromised and brain function is diminished. Foggy thinking can be the result of a dry brain!

6. Men who drink more than five glasses of water a day cut their risk of heart disease by 46% The number for women is even greater: 59%

7. Adequate water intake reduces the incidence of colon cancer in men by 92%

8. Postmenopausal women who drink more than five glasses of water a day lower their risk of breast cancer by 79%.

9. Research has shown that individuals can lower their risk of bladder cancer by 51 percent simply by drinking enough water.
10. Water is the original “zero-calorie” beverage. Because it contains no sugar to raise blood glucose levels, it is the perfect choice for diabetics.

Drink water today.


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