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#36 ways you know that a boy loves you!
➊." will advertise you! '
➋." He will take care of you / cares about your happiness!"
➌." Your star will face the star!"
➍." He will accept you as you are!"
➏." always will inspire you!"
➐." Your eyes will see you focused!"
➑." it's hard to know more about you.
➒ /." He needs a hug!"
➊➊." He loves it when you see him!"
☞ he wants people to know he's lucky to have you
➊➋ /." Happy to introduce you to people!"
➊➌ /." He allows you to be involved in his life!"
➊➍." He calls early!"
➊➏ /." He wants to spend time with you!"
➊➐." He won't be jealous of the smallest!"
➊➒." He is willing to do whatever you want!"
➋0 /." Nothing is wrong with you!"
➋➊ /." It may come a long way just like you!"
➋➌." He will forgive!"
➋➍ /." It gives a great space for your attitude!"
➋➎." He loves playing with you!"
➋➏." He's just glad he's with you!"
➋➐." Looks better as a friend!"
➋➑ /." He loves every moment he spends with you!"
➋➒." It's nice when you sit down without doing anything!"
➌0 /." He will hold you in honor!"
➌➊ /." He loves you whether you wear it or not!"
➌➋." When it's with you it reflects the true character!"
☞ people do what they don't do in front of you.
➌➌ /." It needs your growth!"
☞ We love when we truly love people no matter how much they cost we get to a better level.
➌➍ /." He is ready to save you from your problems!"
☞ sometimes you'll be the girl who cares too much about yourself.
➌➎." He puts us first than me!"
☞ If the words change to us than me, it's passing a positive message that is not visible to you.
➌➏." He will love you!"
☞ At the end you learn and give up on her then you will realize she loves you.
#May God give you pure love! (Amen)

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