I try to avoid writing about politics because of the emotions it comes with, people are so sentimental with politics that they are ready to gang against you and kill your career. Or when you feel you are untouchable they go for the people close to you, throw your mother out of a village chamaa, or heckle her while giving Ushuhuda in church; these are the reasons why I avoid politics.

But let us address the cost of living for a common man in Kenya today, it is quite unbearable, imagine someone doing mjengo in Nairobi is paid 600 bob per day, this job is not guaranteed every day maybe in a week he works thrice which totals to Ksh. 1800 and 7200 a month. This person is having two kids whom he takes to a private academy not because he likes the academy but because in the informal settlement, he lives there is no public school.

The academy pays ksh 5000 each for the kids which is around 3k per month for the kids, the guy might be living in a 3k house meaning from his 7200 per month, he is remaining with 1200, his family hasn’t eaten and we have also not covered his lunch and transport to work. Even if the wife is also working which most of the time we don’t consider as income, this household will be operating on debts.

I have just seen 2kg of sugar going for 470 and unga for 230, this means a Mjengo guy has to go to work twice to afford 2kg of unga and sugar. I don't much about voting but what I understand about Kenyan voters is that we behave like girls, always falling for the bad boys.

But again we will always lament how the former boss was better than the current; I remember the celebration when Moi retired, we later lamented how Moi was better than Kibaki, Kibaki left and we lamented how Kibaki was better than Uhuru, the son of Mama Ngina left and we are into the moon lamenting how the son of Mama Ngina was a saint than the current prophet.

Good afternoon my fellow lamenters?

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