4 ans - Traduire

’Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success. Good habits formed makes all the difference as we are what we do repeatedly, and excellence is not an act but a habit’’

This jumped at me the moment I came across these lines; we often sabotage the power of consistency and regularity, we fail to understand that quality is not an act but a habit.

I personally, for so long could not stick to a routine and never saw the essence of it, it was boring and stifling to me but as maturity sets in the need to be productive and grow became a priority.

In one sense, the whole process of development consists of the formation of habits; hence it is important that we cultivate and develop healthy routines and habits to simplify, guide and ease our daily activities.

Developing a routine helps us make improvements, see progress and feel accomplished more so, developing a routine before going to bed sets the quality of the next day and our sleep experience.

Nighttime is an important part of the day when the bustle and hustle tends to calm down, the chaos is reduced and it is essentially important that before the curtains are drawn, we are prepared to retire for the day and the right mood is set that will supercharge your mornings.

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