Receive greetings from Palscity, #PalscityAffiliates
Congratulations all we've hit 93,000 users in a record 5 months. This is very big - courtesy of our efforts.
1. We have removed the user's email verification. Now users will be able to register without verifying their emails. We hope this will make the signup process faster and complete their profiles easily.
2. Affiliates payments will now be done once a week i.e every Friday. Ensure you withdraw by Thursday. (Tuesday payments are now discontinued and all combined to Fridays)
3. All faked referrals ie a user creating fake users or fake emails are automatically detected and affected accounts will be banned from participating or receiving payments from Palscity.
4. We reward you when you post, comment, react and blog. Any person found spamming the platform by making many posts or comments or blogs in a short period of time will be banned from earning on Palscity. Just use it normally and post engaging content. We pay for that.
5. The campaign #BeatPalscityCEO is still on. Anyone above the red mark earns Kshs. 1,000 from the CEO. There is always a live show every midnight of the end of month that starts 11:30pm-12:10 am eg Today. There we track the stats in real-time.
6. We have put together a number of help and Frequently asked questions at
7. We still offer Kshs. 1,000 bundles for anyone who would like to join our Palscity Think Tank and has something to offer.
Alphonce Juma -
Connect; Share; Discover.
Erick Kagwima
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