Lamu Port:
We have quite alot of expectations and demands given the Lamu port. This is From some of the engagements and many rants here and there it's clear that Some of us are expecting too much especially to be employed there.
The bitter truth remain we cannot all get our family , relatives or ourselves working right at the port no matter how small our population whether learned or not .
This remain to be a National Project! It actually extends further when it involves one or two countries and that's why it's called LAPPSET though it's right at our motherland. We might only hold on to that! Sad right??!
Well the good news about the port is here. The Port will come along with opportunities and chances to prosper to them that would want so. We all want that right??? So it's high time we forget the white color jobs and focus more on establishing our own enterprises get more into social enterprenuership that will come along with the high population now hence forth.
We must shift our attention and goals from the port and put our glance at businesses,moneymaking projects inline with that port maybe as small as tenderprenuer ,get tender za mayai :it means u need to start a poultry ,supply ya ndizi it means you need to grow them in large quantity , chakula zote and investing before all it's taken by them that know best how to do it!
Just think through, who is gonna supply those fruits at that port, who is gonna supply those eggs ,tomatoes ,fish in large quantity ,nyumba za kupangisha na kadhalika...let it be me and you.
Challenged? Well let's do this.
From Tomorrow onwards ,Lamu might not be the same again!! #lamuport #newdawn #lamu
Humble, go getter, beautiful and God fearing .. am a commercial model, actress former acted on kbc and maisha magic, Tv host and radio host.
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