Happy New Year...
And then God created family. A place called home where people belong in other people's hearts, and it was the safest place to be if the owner of the heart loved, cherished and wanted you... (Land Without Snow).
Family remains the most basic of units. The "to go to..." place when all is said and done. As the year begins it is important to set pace for your family, to understand the value system you would like to embrace, to schedule time for fun and catching up and also set structures for communication and conflict resolution. Let's aspire to make 2021 a #familyintentional year, where things happen by plan and motive and not by default.
Let's choose to embrace our older family members to respect them and learn from them. Let's choose to vouch for our siblings, to team up with them and support them. Let's choose to guide our children, to protect them and encourage them. Let's choose to choose our spouses over and over again to hold them and uphold them. Let's choose to love our families, to make them a priority, to value them in our decisions.
Let's build family support systems that last, knowing that we affect each other and we depend on one another, let's vouch for environments that support family welfare, government policies that support family togetherness, initiatives that uphold family dignity, development that cushions family wellness because we are made and broken at family level.
In 2021, let's stand for family, let's hold our families as they hold us. #letsbond
D.N Atoli
Timothy Wekesa