peform daily tasks withdraw at 10USD 1000Kshs, daily earnings through videos, surveys,daily tasks.
peform daily tasks withdraw at 10USD 1000Kshs, daily earnings through videos, surveys,daily tasks.
We have an app by the name *CASH CHAT* where you post adverts.
The app itself is like whatsapp whereby once you place the Ad and select the countries you want your Ad to appear on your status...
📌 Anyone with cashchat app worldwide will view the advert. This pays *(KSH 1 per view. So in a day you can atleast have 100-200+ views hence *1000*- *2000ksh* plus daily.
📌 You are given the adverts by the company to post daily so long as you are an active member.
📌 We also have a free spinning bonus every *sunday* you spin and win the wheel so long as you have an active account.
📌 There is 20% commission when you bring in companies to advertise with cashchat, and also 10% commission of every sale you make, ie if anything that was advertised under your account is sold.
📌 Affiliate program whereby you earn 1k per every person you invite, and 150 indirect referal ie, when someone who joined under your link invites someone, you earn 150.
📌 A weekly free bonus of *ksh2000* weekly rewards for the top earners every week.
📌 To get started download the *cashchat* app from playstore (sponsor ID put *200664960*) or register using the link below.👇🏼
📌 *STARTING CAPITAL IS A MERE LIFETIME INVESTMENT OF 1550/=* AND IT'S A ONE TIME SUBSCRIPTION, NO RENEWALS OR ADDITIONAL COSTS. You deposit it in your cashchat account as your investment. After there you enjoy your life forever working for your profit.
Once you register and activate your account, you join millions of people using cash chat app.. So kazi yako itakua kuselect countries where you want your ads to appear na ukipost huwezi Kosa 100 -200 views daily N per view ni 10 Bob hence earning 1000 to 2000 daily na guaranteed.. The company sends you ads to post daily.
Those millions of people are the ones who will be viewing your ads... Not people in your contact list
watsapp me +254716537253
We have an app by the name *CASH CHAT* where you post adverts.
The app itself is like whatsapp whereby once you place the Ad and select the countries you want your Ad to appear on your status...
📌 Anyone with cashchat app worldwide will view the advert. This pays *(KSH 1 per view. So in a day you can atleast have 100-200+ views hence *1000*- *2000ksh* plus daily.
📌 You are given the adverts by the company to post daily so long as you are an active member.
📌 We also have a free spinning bonus every *sunday* you spin and win the wheel so long as you have an active account.
📌 There is 20% commission when you bring in companies to advertise with cashchat, and also 10% commission of every sale you make, ie if anything that was advertised under your account is sold.
📌 Affiliate program whereby you earn 1k per every person you invite, and 150 indirect referal ie, when someone who joined under your link invites someone, you earn 150.
📌 A weekly free bonus of *ksh2000* weekly rewards for the top earners every week.
📌 To get started download the *cashchat* app from playstore (sponsor ID put *200664960*) or register using the link below.👇🏼
📌 *STARTING CAPITAL IS A MERE LIFETIME INVESTMENT OF 1550/=* AND IT'S A ONE TIME SUBSCRIPTION, NO RENEWALS OR ADDITIONAL COSTS. You deposit it in your cashchat account as your investment. After there you enjoy your life forever working for your profit.
Once you register and activate your account, you join millions of people using cash chat app.. So kazi yako itakua kuselect countries where you want your ads to appear na ukipost huwezi Kosa 100 -200 views daily N per view ni 10 Bob hence earning 1000 to 2000 daily na guaranteed.. The company sends you ads to post daily.
Those millions of people are the ones who will be viewing your ads... Not people in your contact list
watsapp me +254716537253
Join CashChat here
Whatsapp +254716537253 for help
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We have an app by the name *CASH CHAT* where you post adverts.
The app itself is like whatsapp whereby once you place the Ad and select the countries you want your Ad to appear on your status...
📌 Anyone with cashchat app worldwide will view the advert. This pays *(KSH 1 per view. So in a day you can atleast have 100-200+ views hence *1000*- *2000ksh* plus daily.
📌 You are given the adverts by the company to post daily so long as you are an active member.
📌 We also have a free spinning bonus every *sunday* you spin and win the wheel so long as you have an active account.
📌 There is 20% commission when you bring in companies to advertise with cashchat, and also 10% commission of every sale you make, ie if anything that was advertised under your account is sold.
📌 Affiliate program whereby you earn 1k per every person you invite, and 150 indirect referal ie, when someone who joined under your link invites someone, you earn 150.
📌 A weekly free bonus of *ksh2000* weekly rewards for the top earners every week.
📌 To get started download the *cashchat* app from playstore (sponsor ID put *200663739*) or register using the link below.👇🏼
📌 *STARTING CAPITAL IS A MERE LIFETIME INVESTMENT OF 1550/=* AND IT'S A ONE TIME SUBSCRIPTION, NO RENEWALS OR ADDITIONAL COSTS. You deposit it in your cashchat account as your investment. After there you enjoy your life forever working for your profit.
Once you register and activate your account, you join millions of people using cash chat app.. So kazi yako itakua kuselect countries where you want your ads to appear na ukipost huwezi Kosa 100 -200 views daily N per view ni 10 Bob hence earning 1000 to 2000 daily na guaranteed.. The company sends you ads to post daily.
Those millions of people are the ones who will be viewing your ads... Not people in your contact list
watsapp me +254716537253
i am a lover of music,Art,Trips, Cooking and Networking...