As we all know, Overtaking is the action of passing slower moving traffic flowing towards the same direction as we are.
What do I need to know about overtaking?
1. Overtaking is not the law. There is no traffic rule that states you must overtake or else you will be punished.
2. Overtaking is a voluntary act.
3. Overtaking is a quite complicated and riskiest manoeuvre any driver has to execute while on the road driving.
4. Successful Overtaking requires
*Proper judgement
*Adequate Vehicle power
*Sufficient speed difference between your vehicle and the vehicle you are overtaking
5. If overtaking is a difficult task to excute during the day, it will only become a hell of a mount to climb in the dark.
Ultimately, Observation, Patience and concentration all help a driver make a decision based on what they can see. Your judgement as a driver at this juncture is critical to a safe overtaking manourvre. Drunk driving, fatigue and unnecessary conversations in the car will only make matters worse.
When To Overtake
When to overtake is truly based on personal judgement and their level of confidence. Unlike an experienced driver, a novice driver will have a hard time making a decision of if or not to Overtake.
You can initiate an overtaking manourvre if
• You have a clear view of the road ahead
• There is no Oncoming traffic or of you can correctly judge the distance of the oncoming traffic and their distance to allow safe passage and complete the manourvre without interfering with the follow of traffic or other road users
• If the speed difference between the vehicle you are overtaking and the your vehicle is 15kph or more. It's pointless to overtake and just stay ahead of them.
• If there is enough space to pulling after overtaking
When not to Overtake
• On a brow of the hill
• Blind Corner
• At road junctions
• On a bridge
• If your vehicle has no sufficient power to complete the manourvre
• In bad weather like in torrential rain, dust or fog.
When being overtaken, help the other driver get by.
• Once they have initiated their manourvre, slow down and allow them space to get back in line.
• If there is an oncoming vehicle on the opposite side, slow down or stop and move to the left to make room for them to safely get back in line. But only move to the left if the road shoulder allows you to do that safely. When coming back on the road, check your mirrors and bring your vehicle on the road one tyre at a time or else your will end up in a rollover.
Though it is inevitable to do an overtaking, we can certainly reduce the chances of overtaking by planning ahead.
1. Know how much time you need to cover the distance to your destination accounting for rest stops and breakdowns if they occur.
2. Plan ahead to avoid high traffic times and routes where possible.
3. Do not engage in competitive driving habits influenced by other road users. Motorsports and show of might have no place on the public road. Everybody has their own journey and destination to get to.
4. Rest well the night before your journey.
5. Drive and observe the posted speed limits
6. Practice predictable driving behaviour. Aggressive starts and stops will lead to road rage.