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Bibian Kyene
Road accidents results to death of numerous people,whil others get injured. In order to avoid such we ought to have road safety skills.
When crossing roads, we all need to look to the right and left carefully and cross when it is safe to do so and avoid swerving across the road to get past it.
For bus users especially those that commute to school by bus ought to refrain from boarding or getting off the bus while it is still in motion as one may end up getting bruised or even badly injured.
Cyclists need to observe traffic rules and avoid cycling in the middle of roads. They shoul also ensure bicycles have functioning breaks,lights and other features.
By following the above safety measures we can reduce the risk of accidents,but still we ought to be vigilant on the road as these do not guarantee that we won't be involved in accidents. Our safety on road depends on how we use it.
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