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Road hazards can include animals, rough roads, gravel, bumpy edges, uneven expansion joints, slick surfaces, standing water, debris, snow, ice, or objects that have fallen from a construction site or another vehicle.

Liability for Road Hazards

Most cases involving road hazards involve negligence. However, which entity is liable for an accident arising out of a road hazard varies. Some negligent parties can include public entities, such as the federal government, the state, the city, or a public agency, or private businesses, such as landscapers and construction companies.

Hazards caused by human beings

3 major causes of accidents are

Human errors
Environmental errors
Mechanical errors

Hazards caused by human beings vary and keep getting wider by the day. They are things that people do on the road to cause accidents.

Mental issues are the leading on this.

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Owuor Otet

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