A young kitchen boy, raised in the keep of Castle Crydee by his adoptive parents, and alongside their son Tomas, Pug is selected by the strange magician Kulgan to be his apprentice. When war breaks out between the Kingdom of the Isles, which Crydee is apart of, and a nation on the other side of a magical portal called Tsuranuanni, Pug is caught up in it. During his first battle he is captured, along with his friend Laurie, enslaved, and taken across the portal to the land of Tsuranuanni to work in the fields. It is here that he discovers his true power and his destiny, and the fates of both nations, is changed forever.
The definition of epic, Magician is one of the true greats of the fantasy genre, and Pug one of its greatest mages. He becomes one of the strongest beings in existence, capable of incredible feats of power, both curative and destructive. His power becomes so great that he even defies ageing, and even death, though at great costs. His story spans over twenty books, across over a century of history in the world of Midkemia, the world where the Kingdom of the Isles resides, yet the first novel of the Riftwar Cycle is by far Pug's most defining moment. The chronicling of his rise to power, from slave to master magician, is still one of the most awe inspiring stories I've ever read. A story that you don't forget in a hurry.
Kennedy Serem
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