*Borrowed & Edited
One day a woman went to her husband's work place to report him to his boss. She told the boss how her husband usually squandered his KES 5,500 monthly salary, and only gave her KES 3,000 for upkeep.
After her narration, the boss told her to come back on the last day of the month.
On the set day, she arrived as planned. The boss called the husband, and they all sat down in the boss' office.
The boss started, "Mr. Mzazi, your wife reported to me some days ago that you do squander your monthly salary with friends and only give the family KES 3,000 for upkeep. So right now, I am going to personally hand over your salary to her and also going forward she will be receiving your salary."
"How much is your transport to work daily?" the boss asked.
"KES 20 Sir", Mr. Mzazi replied.
The boss handed over KES 440 to Mr. Mzazi. "That should cater for the 22 working days in a month", the boss said.
"Do you take breakfast at home?" the boss continued.
"No Sir, I leave home early to beat the traffic jam".
"How much do you spend on breakfast and lunch daily?"
"KES 45 Sir", replied Mr. Mzazi.
The boss handed over KES 990 to him for breakfast and lunch for 22 working days in a month.
"Who pays the children's school fees?" the boss asked facing Mr. Mzazi.
"He does", she replied pointing at Mr. Mzazi.
"How much is the school fees, and how many school going kids do you have?"
"KES 3,200 per term, for four kids at KES 800 each".
"In other words, you spend KES 9,600 per year and thus save KES 800 monthly for the kids' school fees, right?"
"Yes Sir", replied Mr. Mzazi.
Once again, the boss handed over KES 800 to him to save for school fees.
"Who pays the house rent, and how much is it?"
"I do Sir, and it's KES 1,500 per month" replied Mr. Mzazi.
The boss handed over KES 1,500 to him for the monthly rent.
"And who pays water and electricity bills, and how much is involved?" asked the boss.
"My husband does; he pays KES 120 for water monthly, and we spend KES 200 monthly on electricity", said Mrs. Mzazi.
The boss handed over KES 320 to Mr. Mzazi for the monthly water and electricity bills.
(NOTE: KES 440 transport + 990 breakfast and lunch + 800 school fees + 1,500 rent + 320 water and electricity = *KES 4,050*).
"I don't want to ask about clothing, and other family bills/needs, etc..."
The boss handed over the remaining balance of *KES 1,450* to Mrs. Mzazi.
"What's this for Sir?” Mrs. Mzazi asked, surprised...
"Money for monthly upkeep", the boss replied.
"But it wouldn't get us anywhere!!!", she exclaimed.
"So why don't you appreciate the KES 3,000 your husband sacrifices for you monthly???" the boss asked.
The woman cried, and hugged her husband tightly - the rest is history…
Many of us don't know what their Fathers sacrifice to put food on the table.
Most of the times, Fathers go hungry. Many times, they swallow their pride and engage in menial and demeaning jobs just to ensure their families get something to eat. They can't even buy good clothes or shoes to wear, rather they sacrifice so that their families can be decent.
A Father may not tell you what he goes through to get you the cash he gives you because it might make you start underrating his dignity. But the truth is that Fathers go through a lot, and need to be appreciated in equal measure with our Mothers.
As we celebrate Fathers today, let us also appreciate *GOD* who remains our eternal Father. He surely navigates us through the many tribulations of life; from disease and sickness, to poverty in faith and in the pockets, from despair to the great storms of barrenness and disappointments.
*GOD remains our FATHER, our HOPE, our PILLAR, and our only meaning of Eternal LOVE.*
Let us appreciate *FATHERS* always.
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Shiko Wambui
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