2 yrs - Translate

Guys I never thought this could happen 😢.My girl friend wasn't into clubs and she wasn't into pubs🍺🍻,She was innocent girl💃🏻 and loving 😍😍.I was there everytime for her,she meant alot to me.
I was giving her money for salon.
I was sacrificing everything for her.
I wasn't away from her.
I loved her so much.
I was into her and I wanted to grow with her,this girl was different.Then one day I lost my job😢 our relationship started to change she wasn't a girl I used to know anymore🙁.But I remember she told me I love❤ you just the way you are....NOT WHAT YOU HAVE😭.Her friends came into our relationship and controlled her,lied to her and convinced her with lies😡 imagine they told her YOU DESERVE A BETTER GUY THAN ME😭😢.

She followed their lies na akaniwacha😥💔💔💔.

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