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In the different parts of the world, people have different epithets. When you travel to china they believe in Budha, amongst the Christians Christ is absolute and amoung the Moslems Allah is their most high. In all the different sects in the world they believe any one on the other side will be castigated severely. But is this legitimate? lets believe (assume) the Christians are right then how many thousands of Moslems,Budhists ,Taoists,Hindus Just to mention but a few will go to hell? Even amongst the Christians, they disagree on various occasions.

In the worlds history most of the fatal wars have been religious wars, take forexample the ottoman-hungarian wars, the thirty years war in the roman empire between 1618-1648, the second sudanese civil war, and the September 11 bombing of the twin towers was sparked off by religious differences. These claiming Millions of peoples’ lives.

In a nutshell, I think the most significant thing with this syllogism is being Spiritual, Believing in your self and being just. When one digs deep into religion the controversies alone might blow ones Mind – “Religion is just a way of dividing Us which we should Fight”

#religion #is #division #Pan_Africanism

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