Join the free speech tour. Megalo Social ceo will be going on a 5 year nationwide tour to promote the Megalo Social network and one new earth movement in a custom self sustaining motorhome that is currently being rebuilt using a vintage 1985 Fleetwood Jamboree spirit 27 footer.
Megalo Social will be Facebooks Biggest Competitor. With free speech comes responsibly. Free speech is a God given right and our Constitution must be protected from delusional assholes like Joseph biden.
You can donate to the free speech tour by sending donations to$megalosocial and we welcome investors. Investments can me made by selecting a pro package on megalo social and choosing your number of shares.
This is not a public IPO. It is buying your virtual real estate within the network itself. Your account your virtual real estate. Putting we the people in control of our own turf.
Sincerely CEO Brandon Gibson