January, May, September INTAKE ONGOING !
Start your Hospitality Journey at Impact Chefs and Hospitality Academy now !!!!!!
We believe in giving Trainees connections, opportunities, clear career Guidance and roadmap on real Hospitality and Culinary navigation techniques regionally and internationally..
Join the connected Hospitality Academy in the East Africa Region- ICHA in South B South Gate Center Mezzanine Nairobi Kenya.
That's the difference between Impact Chefs and Hospitality Academy Ltd and the rest in the Industry.
Don't waste your time !!!!!
Intake Ongoing now !
1. Diploma: C- (Minus) and Above.
2. Certificate: D Plain and Above.
3. Artisan Certificate Level:
D- (Minus)
It's happening in South B South Gate Center Mezzanine Nairobi. Kenya.
Hospitality Courses Available :
Diploma in Food Production.
Diploma in Food & Beverage Service Production.
Certificate in Food Production
Certificate in Food & Beverage Service Production.
Certificate in Pastry and Bakery
Certificate in Food Safety & Hygiene Level 1, 2, and 3.
Refresher Training in Food Production.
Refresher Training in Food & Beverage Service,
Refresher Training in Housekeeping Techniques.
Refresher Training in Front Office Operations.
Foreign Languages,
Laundry Operational Techniques,
Quality Customer Service Training.
All Computer Packages.
For Details Call :
+ 254 754 888000
+254 729 294316
To join log on
Email: info@impactchefsacademy.com


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