3 yrs - Translate

Are you getting $200 payments?
Jeff Long from TextBot

Are You Getting
$200 Payments?
Well, the FUN has BEGUN!

Have you logged in to your new MySoftwareBusiness.com back office yet to check everything out?

I'm already getting rave reviews and a ton of gratitude from those who have already started winning with this so do yourself a favor...

STEP 1: Login to your new MSB back office (Yup, you use the SAME email and password to login that you use with TextBot.)

STEP 2: Once you're on the inside, click on GET INFO and Watch the less than 10 minute sales video you're going to use to crank out $200 sales and then...

STEP 3: Lock-in with us and get your new phone number to start stacking $200 payments with MSB!

Here's what you REALLY need to pay attention to:

MANY TextBot resellers are already getting $200 payments from this WITHOUT EVEN BEING ACTIVE IN THE NEW PROGRAM!


Because I'm allowing it.

This means simply:

If you're an ACTIVE TextBot reseller, you're an ACTIVE MySoftwareBusiness reseller too - BUT ONLY FOR A VERY LIMITED TIME!

Look, I don't know what you're up to these days or if you're even still interested and need to make a change in your life but if you are and you do...

Install Palscity app