take that, roadblock! 💪
Janet Shaughnessy
to me
1 hour agoDetails
Hey, Friends!
We're going to get real here for a second.
Do you sometimes blame circumstances for the way your life looks right now? Do you decide something isn’t meant to be if the work just seems too hard?
As difficult as it might be to admit, I bet you've felt this way at least once in your life. I know I have!
If the finances don’t line up or if the opportunity isn’t staring me in the face, I may decide that the dream/goal/desire wasn’t meant to be. With my tail between my legs, I’ll move on.
That's clearly not the ideal situation... but you know what makes me get off the Pity Party Wagon? Reading about how others have succeeded in their journeys.There's nothing more motivating to me than seeing how someone made the decision to better their life and then actually took action to make it happen!
Take Angela, for instance. No matter what obstacle was in front of her, she still pressed forward and worked hard to find a way to make her dreams come true. She didn't let anything stand in her way.