4 yrs - Translate

Palscity *Kenya Chapter* through the *Palscity Pwani Brand Ambassadors* and *Palscity Climate & Environment Table* officially invites you to the *#PalscityBeachCleanup* Drive on *18th Sept, 2021* from 90am-1pm at *Pirates Beach* followed by an evening zoom Workshop dubbed "Pwani Opportunities Forum".

1. Register to attend physically/online: https://bit.ly/PalscityBeachCleanup

2. Help support the drive: purchase our merchandise at: https://mybigorder.com/brand/Palscity-stwtN

3. Join a Palscity Table based on your interest, start impacting lives, join our county roundup trips: https://bit.ly/Palscitizen

~We use the Power of Many to Change Lives.

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Meeting Registration - Zoom

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Palscity International Beach Cleanup drive. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

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