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Solomon wrote three books of the Bible: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. By the time he wrote the Song of Solomon, he had married 60 wives and 80 concubines.

"There are threescore queens, and fourscore concubines, and virgins without number." SS.6:8.

The Song of Solomon was written to tell us about Solomon and a special beloved wife, whom he loved most.

"Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes." SS.1:15.

Every husband should learn to appreciate his wife. Women want to hear that she is beautiful. It is a food she needs every day. Give it to her.

Solomon was good at that. "My dove, my undefiled is but one; she is the only one of her mother, she is the choice one of her that bare her. The daughters saw her, and blessed her; yes, the queens and the concubines, and they praised her." SS.6:9.

Obviously the king made this woman to feel important in her extended and immediate families. Don't trample your wife under the feet. Exalt and promote her.

One thing about this woman is that she combined charisma with character. Let us look at her character first.

"My dove, my undefiled..." SS.6:9. She was undefiled. She was satisfied with only her husband.

"Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." Heb.13:4.

She kept her marriage vows. She was not interested in any other man apart from her husband.

Even other women called her blessed. "The daughters saw her, and blessed her; yea, the queens and the concubines, and they praised her." SS.6:9b.

Which kind of a man will not love a woman like this? No wonder the Scripture counsels women to pay attention to their character than their look.

"But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price." 1Pet.3:4.

Apart from character, this woman is also beautiful. "What is thy beloved more than another beloved, O thou fairest among women?..." SS.5:9.

Don't marry a woman you cannot be proud of in the public. If she is not beautiful to others, at least she should be most beautiful woman on earth to you. Don't marry someone you do not love.

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