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Colorado considers domestic violence an act or threatened act of violence against a person the accused has an intimate relationship with. An intimate relationship includes partners, spouses, ex-spouses, ex-partners, co-parents, and co-habitants.

If convicted of domestic violence in Colorado, the accused may face certain financial and legal repercussions.
- Jail time
- Domestic Violence treatment programs
- Restrictions for firearm ownership
- House arrest
- Probation
- More serious felony charges if you have prior convictions

The courts take domestic violence charges seriously and you should too. Protection orders are one common result of a domestic violence charge or conviction. We help our clients manage the complex process of protection orders.

In these cases, we want to help you defend yourself and your family. We understand the law and have the experience to navigate the legal system. We know seeking legal help can feel overwhelming. That's why we offer a free consultation.

Phone: 3034047492
Website: duilawfirmdenver.com
Email: info@DUILawFirmDenver.com
Address: 1890 N Gaylord Street, Denver, CO 80206

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