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HELP! My Lawn Is Dead What Can I Do?

Just because your lawn LOOKS 💀DEAD💀 doesn't mean it IS 💀DEAD💀

Hey Herd Members,
It is only natural at the end of the summer for your lawn to look like it is in rough shape. Heat, stress and drought all do a number on your turf grass during those long hot months, but there's good news.

Most likely your lawn ISN'T dead.

It has just gone dormant to protect itself.

If you give it the right treatment it will spring back to life with the cooler temperatures of fall.

But what are the right treatments?
In this video, MowCow Lawncare Expert, Richard Linsday, shares you can turn a lawn that is looking rough at the end of the summer into one that is gorgeous green and plush in the fall.

Give it a look and let us know what you think in the comments below.

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