1. Money: Make sure you know what is your budget. Never exceed the amount you can afford. For instance if your income is 50,000$ USD, you shouldnt spend more than 25,000$ on the car because the car will may become a finical problem to you.
2. Personal need: Ask yourself what is the purpose of the car. Decide whether you want a 4 door sedan or a 6 people van. Look into what class and what kind car you want. If the purpose of the car is just purposely transportation, then dont look into luxurious cars such as Benz or BMW. Or whether the car is for family purpose or personal love of car then you can decide whether you want a SUV or Sports Car.
3. Difference Brand: Once you decide what type of car you want. Look at different brands that has similar cars. For instance, if you are looking into the Lexus IS, also look into the Nissan G35, BMW 3 series, Acura TL, Cadillac CTS. You get the point. The reason why is because the price range from the same class can range from 30,000$ to 45,000$ which is a lot of money. Therefore, you should go test drive and find out exactly which car you want.
4. Buying it New or Used. After you decide what car you want. Start... #car #lifestyle #finance
vincent omondi
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