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Why Is Sugar Bad For Your Teeth?

We’re all familiar with the dentist’s warning about sugar’s havoc on our teeth, but here’s the lowdown on why it’s a troublemaker. Sugar is everywhere in our food and drinks, and knowing why it’s a dental disaster is crucial. Let’s break it down and see how sugar can spell trouble for your pearly whites and what you can do to keep that smile sparkling.

Read here: https://medium.com/@rightcared....ental1/why-is-sugar-

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Why Is Sugar Bad For Your Teeth?. Sugar, though it may seem harmless… | by Right Care Dental | Nov, 2023 | Medium

Why Is Sugar Bad For Your Teeth?. Sugar, though it may seem harmless… | by Right Care Dental | Nov, 2023 | Medium

Sugar, though it may seem harmless, packs a punch when it comes to impacting our health. It’s not just a quick sugar rush; it can lead to some serious long-term issues, especially if you’re loading…

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