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Lease Transfers in New York City

If you are interested in a lease transfer; either as a seller or buyer, Car Leasing NYC is an auto leasing service that takes the concept of lease transfers very seriously. While most companies simply allow this procedure and some auto leasing agencies simply prohibit transferring of leases; we believe it is a highly beneficial feature of auto leasing. We actively promote lease transfers despite the minor inconvenience to our business process as it benefits our customers. A lease transfer, as the name suggests, is to transfer the ownership of a lease to another party mid-way through the lease contract. This is generally initiated when a lessee wants to terminate a lease due to various reasons. It is a common way of dealing with the situation that would usually be a lot more expensive. Lease transfers became popular as early termination is out of the question with most leasing companies who require full payment of the remainder of the lease until the end of the contract if they choose to get out of a lease. While a lease transfer includes a fee as well, it will cost the lessee a much lower price. A lease transfer is an excellent deal for the receiving party as well. They (usually) don’t have to pay a down payment and they get to drive a car in good condition for a limited period of time after which they can move on to a new lease.

Lease transfers with Car Leasing NYC

At Car Leasing NYC, we handle lease transfers on a constant basis. While most companies allow this procedure, they don’t provide any assistance to their existing customer and the customer is left to find a suitable third party to take over which can take time and may defeat the purpose, particularly if the lessee needs to urgently exit the lease. Car Leasing NYC assists lessees (even individuals not leasing their vehicle with us) by promoting and broadcasting the availability of a lease across our channels and network. This allows the lessee to find a suitable buyer at a much quicker pace. In addition, since we handle the process quite often, we have shortened processes in place to handle a transfer. We also do not charge as much as other companies for lease transfers. While some companies require the transferring lessee to be a secondary contact responsible for the remainder of the lease to protect their company, with Car Leasing NYC, once the transfer is done, the existing lessee will have no responsibility. We are happy to undertake the slight risk of any issues that may arise with the remainder of the lease now under the ownership of a different individual.

Car Leasing NYC
042 West 11th Street
New York, NY 10011

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