4 yrs - Translate

1. The *STOMACH*
is injured when
you do not have
breakfast in the

2. The *KIDNEYS*
are injured when
you do not even
drink 10 glasses
of water in 24

is injured when
you do not even
sleep until 11
o'clock and do not
wake up to the

4. The *SMALL*
injured when you
eat cold and stale

5. The *LARGE*
injured when you
eat more fried
and spicy food.

6. The *LUNGS* are
injured when you
breathe in smoke
and stay in
environment of

7. The *LIVER* is
injured when you
eat heavy fried
food, junk, and
fast food.

8. The *HEART* is
injured when you
eat your meal with
more salt and

is injured when
you eat sweet
things because
they are tasty and
freely available.

10. The *Eyes* are
injured when you
work in the light
of mobile phone
and computer
screen in the

11. The *Brain* is
injured when you
start thinking

12. The *SOUL* gets
injured when you
don't have family
and friends to
care and share
with you in life
their love,
sorrow and joy.

*All these body*
*parts are NOT*
*available in the*

So take good
care and keep
your body parts
[6/21, 6:16 AM] Lateef Babalola: Pls let your son/daughter know his/her genotype before he/she says yes to that handsome guy or to that beautiful lady whom he/she wishes to spend the rest of his/her life with...
Genotype & It's Appropriate Suitor:
AA + AA = Excellent
AA + AS = Good
AA + SS = Fair
AS + AS = Bad
AS + SS = Very Bad
SS + SS = Extremely Bad (In fact, don't try it)


What’s Your Type and how common is it?

O+ 1 in 3 37.4%
(Most common)

A+ 1 in 3 35.7%

B+ 1 in 12 8.5%

AB+ 1 in 29 3.4%

O- 1 in 15 6.6%

A- 1 in 16 6.3%

B- 1 in 67 1.5%

AB- 1 in 167 .6%

Compatible Blood Types

O- can receive O-

O+ can receive O+, O-

A- can receive A-, O-

A+ can receive A+, A-, O+, O-

B- can receive B-, O-

B+ can receive B+, B-, O+, O-

AB- can receive AB-, B-, A-, O-

AB+ can receive AB+, AB-, B+, B-, A+, A-, O+, O-

This is an important msg which can save a life! A life could be saved....
: Your Blood group also speaks about you.
?️(+) : Good leadership.
?️(-) : Hardworking.
?️(+) : Can Sacrifice for others and very ambitious, tolerance.
?️(-) : Non flexible, Selfish & Sadistic.
?️(+) : Born to help.
?️(-) : Narrow minded.
?(+) : Very difficult to understand.
?(-) : Sharp & Intelligent.

What is ur blood group ?
Try....It....share the Fantastic information..
? We Know Water is
important but never
knew about the
Special Times one
has to drink it.. !!

Did you ???

? Drinking Water at the
Right Time ⏰
Maximizes its
effectiveness on the
Human Body;

1⃣ 1 Glass of Water
after waking up -
?⛅ helps to
activate internal

2⃣ 1 Glass of Water
30 Minutes ?
before a Meal -
helps digestion..

3⃣ 1 Glass of Water
before taking a
Bath ? - helps
lower your blood

4⃣ 1 Glass of Water
before going to
Bed - ? avoids
Stroke or Heart

'When someone
shares something of
value with you and
you benefit from it,
You have a moral
obligation to share it
with others too.'
So..., DO yours!..

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