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Palscity Affiliates June 27th 20201 Payments processing data sheet: #PalscityAffiliates

1. Martha J* - 511.8 - Paid - Only 1 referal, - Posts frequency test failed, posting to earn, not good - Paid but next time we will not pay you - concentrate on referals and post normally.
2. Constancia I* - 502.6 - Declined - clearly posting to earn. Only pics and no captions - concentrate on referals, they earn better. Posting frequency bad. Only 4 affiliates - bad
3. Benjamin K* - 515.5 - Paid - Good referals. Check you have repeated posts. You are spamming the platform with posts eg "good morning" repeated
4. Carol S* - 618.9 - Paid - No referals, next time we will not pay. Referals pay better.
5. Nelson M* - 514.3 - Declined - Poor blogs
6. Irene Adhiambo - 540 - Declined - you did not put your phone number.
7. Rita A* - 500.1 - Paid - Good referals
8. Nicholas P* - 603.9 - Paid - but your posts are not interersting a lot. Dont posts to earn - concentrate on referls, they pay better. We will not pay next time.
9. Everlyne O* - 770 - Paid - but your posts are not interersting a lot. Dont posts to earn - concentrate on referls, they pay better. We will not pay next time.
10. James W*i - 562.2 - Paid - Good referrals
11. Elizabeth Moyi - 557.1 - Paid - Good referals
12. Alvin N* - 511.5 - Paid - Good referals
13. Jane K* - 530.8 - Paid - No referals, dangerous, spamming and we will not pay next time.
14. Monica G* - 1330.1 - Paid - Good referals
15. Carolyne K* 570.6 - Paid - put effort on affiliates, Not sure we will pay next time.
16. Phaustine O* - 509.5 - Declined - posting to earn. Spamming eg "Blessed day", "Nice lunch" we only pay for good content thats engaging. Concentrate on referals.
17. Judith A* - 607.5 - Paid - Good referals
18. KELVIN O* - 500.5 - Paid - No referals but tricky, put effort on referals.
19. Brigid D* - 547 - Declined - recheck the blogs, they are not done well.
20. Rama O* - 530.2 - Declined - no affiliates, spamming posts.
21. Brian S* - 566.9 - Paid - Please you are not safe with posts as you do it. Put energy on referals.
22. Nicholas K* - 1483 - Paid - Good referals
23. Ruth M* - 722 - Paid - good referals
24. Alzaro V* - 1479.8 - Paid - Good referals
25. Diana N* - 768.4 - Declined - no referals - many blogs seen, some are repeated, Allow us to delete the repeated ones and you apply again. Referals are a sure bet.
26. Margaret M* - 1497.1 - Paid - good referrals
27. Amos R* - 539 - Declined - refer to our last comment. Spamming is visible - put energuy on referals.
28. Faith O* - 700 - Declined - no referals, hidden profile and identity, complete your profile
29. Joan A* - 600.1 - Paid - Good referrals
30. Esther A* - 624.7 - Paid - Good referrals
31. Rodney O* - 2450.5 - Paid - Good referrals.
32. Collins Kibet - 500.2 - Paid - put more energy on refferals
33. Daniel A* - 504.9 - Declined - clear faked users visibility
34. Kefa A* - 819.8 - Declined - visible fake users
35. Peter K* - 1195 - Paid - Good referals
36. Dúñ m* mæsk - 633 - Paid - Good referrals
37. Pauline N* - 523.5 - Paid - Good referrals
38. Joe kamau - 598.6 - Paid - Good referals
39. Lettydey C* - 502.9 - Paid - Spamming with pics - concentrate on referals
40. Meriam C* - 500.6 - Declined - refer to the last time comments. No referals. Posts not engaging
41. Samuel M* - 503.9 - Paid - No referals - next time we will not pay. Content not to the best level.
42. benard W* - 502.1 - Paid - next time we will not pay you.
43. Joe M* - 540 - Paid - Good referals
44. Brian k* - 554.3 - Paid for the good referals but posting seems to be headed towards spamming.
45. Jack M* - 816.4 - Paid - Good referals, will check the blogs tomorrow
46. Zack Z* - 512.1 - Paid - good referals
47. Desh M* - 500.3 - Declined - Few referrals. Lots of blogs. Allow us to check the blogs more. Put energy on referals they pay better.
48. Moris F* - 516.4 - Delined - Few referrals. Lots of blogs. Allow us to check the blogs more. Put energy on referals they pay better.
49. Agnes A* - 516.4 - Declined - Blogs are poorly done

Overal Summery
1. Referals won again - lets put more energy on this. They pay better.
2. Blogs - have to be top quality blogs with 3-8 paragraphs or more.
3. Posts & Comments or reactions have to be organic - going forward we will not pay for just picking pictures and posting them. Ensure its content thats worth paying. Good & Interactive content.
4. We will soon organise a training.
5. Those whose are declined can reach out if they need more details.
6. Lets put more focus on referrals.


Alphonce Juma

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