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Agnes Mongare
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Zaidan Issa
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Saqib Ahmed
Key points to remember when giving positive feedback:
Be specific: Mention the particular aspect of the work that impressed you, not just a generic "good job."
Acknowledge effort: Highlight the hard work put in to achieve the results.
Be timely: Provide feedback as soon as possible after the good work is done.
Consider the audience: Tailor your praise to the individual and the situation.
Examples of specific comments based on different situations:
For exceeding expectations: "Your innovative approach to this project really exceeded our goals."
For strong teamwork: "Your collaborative spirit really helped the team achieve this success."
For attention to detail: "The level of precision you put into this work is remarkable."
For problem-solving skills: "You handled that challenging situation very effectively."
For going the extra mile: "I really appreciate you taking the initiative to complete that extra task."
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