🍁The Significance of Each Holy Days of the Holy Week🍁
Holy Week is the most important week in the Church year! It is a time when we celebrate in a special way the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. We remember his actions, reflect on his messages, and recommit to living as his disciples in the world today.
The final week of Lent, Holy Week, begins with Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord and concludes with the Triduum.
"Triduum” comes from two Latin words - tres and dies - that mean "a space of three days," But since we have four days with special names - Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday - the "three" may be confusing to some. They are however, one liturgical celebration.
Triduum consists of three twenty-four periods that stretch over four calendar days. Therefore, the Easter Triduum begins at sundown on Holy Thursday with the Mass of the Lord's Supper, continues with Good Friday and concludes with Easter evening prayer at sundown on Easter Sunday: its high point is the celebration of the Easter Vigil.
The Triduum concludes with the Easter Sunday celebrations of the Resurrection.
We continue this celebration for the next seven weeks of the Easter Season
concluding with Pentecost.
As we celebrate the mystery of Jesus' passing, we actually celebrate the same passing over in our own lives. Jesus' self-sacrifice opened the way for us to share in new life. But this does require our own cooperation in God's divine plan of salvation. We must pass over our lives into God's hands and imitate the self-giving of God's Son. This is the way to life. "It is the Passover of the lord". Amen.
✝️PALM SUNDAY Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
✝️HOLY MONDAY Mary anoints Jesus with perfume, Judas reproaches her.
✝️HOLY TUESDAY Jesus announces the betrayal of one of the 12 and the denial of Peter.
✝️HOLY WEDNESDAY Judas Iscariot betrays Jesus to the Sanhedrin.
✝️HOLY THURSDAY Jesus institutes the Eucharist and the Priestly Order.
✝️GOOD FRIDAY Passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
✝️HOLY SATURDAY Jesus descends into hell and triumphs over death. We celebrate the Easter Vigil.
✝️EASTER SUNDAY Jesus has triumphed over death. Truly, He is risen! Alleluia, alleluia!
*** Passover is a springtime Jewish festival celebrating the early Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and freedom from slavery. While Easter is a springtime Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and freedom from sin and death. ***