3 yrs - Translate

If you are a young creative and need help from people already at the top of the page as the most influential in your niche, don't just inbox them.

I made several mistakes when I was starting, inboxed people but got zero results. Why? My approach was a little attractive. I don't blame them for ignoring me; they were right; my process was daunting. And I'm sorry for myself.

But this was the lesson, " you need to have few achievements before you approach someone for help and support."

Mention such achievement when asking for help. It will act as a backup, and at least it will give you some credibility.

if you say you can sing and you have no single sample of your work on YouTube or any other channel, your story will lack credibility, and no one cares.

You say you're a comedian, and you don't have even a single recording of your work.

You are a graphic designer, web developer, programmer, and no sample of your work recorded. Start now and give yourself back up and credibility.


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