7 lessons from the book "The Seed by Jon Gordon"
1. Plant the seed of purpose in your life and watch it grow into a magnificent tree that will bear fruit for you and for others.
2. When you are true to yourself and follow your heart, life becomes a journey of meaning, joy and impact.
3. Don't wait for someone else to plant the seed of purpose in your life. You have the power to plant it yourself and reap its benefits.
4. When You live a life of purpose, you become a light that illuminates the world and a force that positively impacts those around you.
5. Purpose is not a destination; it's a journey that unfolds with each step you take and each decision make.
6. Your purpose is unique to you, and it's waiting for you to discover it. Embrace it and live a life that makes a difference.
7. The way We think about work, feel about work, and approach our work influences Our happiness at work.
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