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Noun and its types ,Types of noun in english grammer. Noun and its kinds.

is a name of person of place, animals and things.

Kinds of nouns.

1. Comm noun; is a name of common person,placeor things etc. Example. Country, city etc

2. Proper noun: is a name of particular persons or place or things. For instance Ali, Pakistan, Rani baag and so on. Note; it always start with capital letter.

3. Collective noun: is a name of a number of person, place, or things taken together and spoken of as one whole. for instance; Nation, Parliament, committiee, family, class, herd, fleet, flock, and so on.

4. Abstra Noun; The name of those things which cannot touch or see but only feel them. for example. Goodness, Brightness, Childhood, Youth, Sickness, Death, Poverty and so on. Note; The name of Arts and Science (grammer, music, chemistry) are also abstract noun.

5.Material noun: The name of some material or substance from which other things are made. For instance; Iron, Cloth, Milk, Water,

6.Conutable Noun; name of object people etc that we can count. For example; Pen, Brother, Sister, Book, Note; countable noun have Plural form, like book= books

7.Unocountable noun: name which we cannot count. For example; Milk, Suger, Oil, Gold, Note; Uncountable noun do not have plural form. like milk=milk but not milks.

8.The Noun Gender;

A noun that denotes a male animal is said to be of the Masculine Gender. like Ali, Fox, Horse, etc

A noun that denotes a females animals is said to be Feminine Gender. like Sara, Foxen, Mare, Bitch etc.

A noun that denotes either male or female is said to be of the Common noun. like Parent, Child, Teacher, Friend, Pupil, Neighbour, Infant, Cousin and so on.

A noun that denote a thing that is neither male or female (i.e. things without life) is said to be Neuter Gender. like Pen, Room, tree etc

9.The Noun Number;

A noun that denotes one person or thing, is said to be in the Singular Number. as Boy girl, coe etc.

A noun that denotes more than one person or thing is said to be in the plural Number as Boys, Cows, Girls etc

note; Following are the some nouns which have same Singular and Plural form

Swine, sheeps, deer, cod, trout, salmon, aircraft, spacecraft, series, species.

Some noun are used only in the Plural form. which are fallow

Bellows, Scissors, Tongs, Pincerts, Spectacles., Trousers, Mathematics, Physics, rickets,

Note The word News is also used as singular form but write in plural form.

Note; The word Means is used either as singular or plural. But when it has the meaning of wealth it is always plural. Example; His means are very small., but he has incurred no debt. #

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