Our brains have the ability and capacity to continue learning for the majority of our lives. If we can just keep pushing forward, the answers to life will present themselves.
The first step to make a change in your life, to get what you want from life, to make your life better is to first specifically decide what it is you want. Unless you know what you want you will never arrive because you have no final destination. Catherine Pulsifer, Personal Development Goals
In the end, what's most important in life isn't going to be how much money you make, how many material things you acquire. . . It's going to be the way you guide the young people you bring into the world.
I have come to accept life as a process, and am satisfied that in my ever-going process, I am constantly discovering, expanding, finding the cause of my ignorance, in martial art and especially in life.
Whether you realize it or not, people are watching your life. Even those who belittle you are watching how you live. How you live your life around those people is how you set an example for them. Be Their Example
Throughout my life, I have found it necessary to rearrange my schedule to spend time with the ones I love. When I value people and desire to be with them, I am willing to stop whatever I am doing and set aside my plans.
There are several ways to move through our life. We can stand on the beach and watch the waves roll in, barely getting our toes wet at the edge of the tide line; we can walk or run into the water and dive into the surf. Trust + Love = Joy
Treating the other person as you would like to be treated is a golden rule that not only applies to general life ..
Treating the other person as you would like to be treated is a golden rule that not only applies to general life encounters but also in negotiation
Adventures were always an important part of my life.... They gave me the courage to overcome my fears, develop my self-confidence, and continue to grow by testing my limits and often pushing them.
A wise person once said, "Life is not happening to you. Life is responding to you." - author unknown. This is absolutely true. You dictate what life hands you. If you make up your mind to be successful, odds are, you will be
Passion drives us everyday , understand your passion, and understand what is that you want in your life because the moment you start doing what you love the most, you’ll start celebrating the process.
Most people can't recognize the good life when they have it... I believe, the good life, is simply when you are able to recognize all the good in your life - where ever and whenever that is
Whine and complain about everything in your life. Loudly. At every given opportunity. This will assure that you never get anything better, because we tend to get what we focus.How NOT to Manifest Anything!
Before you ever receive the wonderful treasures of a happy life, you must first give. Give of yourself. Be of service to others. Only what you give can be multiplied back into your own life.
"Many people believe that once you become a parent, the rest of your life becomes an exercise on how you can focus and use things and opportunities that are at hand."
A life that seems small on the outside can be limitless on the inside. i
A life that seems small on the outside can be limitless on the inside. Even a person living in the remotest place can be concerned about hundreds, or the whole galaxy.
Money and things are fun - they really are - but they cannot sustain our spirits. Money is a means to get through this world, but it cannot add a day to our lives.
But in the end, you are responsible for your own well-being, and owe it to yourself to make decisions that will empower you, and that will help you improve yourself and your life.
There is no substitute for being yourself. In a world where so many people are not real with themselves or others, I am going so far as to say that being authentic is the only true way to stand out and win at life.
I'm trying to cause people to be interested in the particulars of their lives because I think that there's one thing literature can do for us. It can say to us: pay attention.
As I go through all kinds of feelings and experiences in my journey through life - delight, surprise, chagrin, dismay - I hold this question as a guiding light: "What do I really need right now to be happy?"
"It is a proven fact that what you see and hear constantly over time enters your heart, and what enters your heart enters your life, and will eventually determine the quality of your life."
I don't organize or structure life just because it's my job or because I want things to look good from the outside. I do these things because I want a life that is rich, sweet, and uncomplicated.A Simplified Life
"Most men label themselves as 'fixers' or 'problem solvers', so to ask someone else to speak into your life and potentially call you out on any blindspots is a bit out of our comfort zone."
"In their time away from work and the hassles of daily life, people tend to display their passions and personal interests. Someone's hobbies can reveal a lot about their personality." The Influence Blueprint
The day and age of the massive corporations that take care of us from beginning to end are over. But that is exciting news. It means we can choose the life we want for ourselves.
Over the years, mostly in retrospect, I learned a variety of lessons, and one of the most important is this: You can't hit a target you can’t see. You can't accomplish wonderful things with your life if you have no idea of what they are. You must first become absolutely clear about what you want if you are serious about unlocking the extraordinary power that lies within you.
Everything that makes our daily living easier, more productive, more enjoyable, and more pleasurable was created because of a problem, and because some designer or team of designers somewhere out there in the world sought to solve that problem.
"If you find that you have very little time to engage in creating your own destiny, or self-development, or for spending with your family and friends, or for dedicating a portion to help others in need, then you may wish to revisit your priorities in life."
Many people choose to be generous towards others and empower them as opportunities arise. Charles C. Malone
Many people choose to be generous towards others and empower them as opportunities arise. That becomes a mantra for them, a way of life, a philosophy and a doctrine, a life companion and a collection of self-regulating instincts that become etched on their subconscious mind. Charles C. Malone, The Art of Delegation
"Moral dilemmas are a pervasive feature in organizational life, and the discipline of ethics offers principles, tools, and concepts to analyse them and reach a decision about what to do."