Facial Surgery
The face is the most important identifying feature of a person. The individual facial expression (forehead, noses, eyes and mouth) is an elementary component of human communication.
The face is also a mirror of the inner state of mind. Fresh facial expressions convey happy and positive signals to the other person. In contrast, the face can show asymmetries and undesirable shapes in the case of illnesses, accidents or predispositions, which can make communication difficult.
The range of facial plastic and aesthetic surgery offered by PD. Dr. med. Mathias Tremp includes reconstruction and aesthetic surgery of all structures in the face, in particular facelift with the SMAS technique and nose operations. Complementing the surgical measures, PD Dr Tremp is also familiar with the minimally invasive methods (botulinum or hyaluron filler) for aesthetic facial treatments.
During a consultation you will be fully informed by PD. Dr. med. Mathias Tremp will inform you in detail about the surgical methods, possible complications and feasibility of the desired facial correction.
Visit: https://tremp-plastic-surgery.....com/services/face-an
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