Mechah Mosoti changed his profile picture
4 yrs

Benedict Mutuku changed his profile picture
4 yrs

Robert Odongo changed his profile cover
4 yrs

Robert Odongo changed his profile picture
4 yrs


Huku kunaendaje?

4 yrs - Translate

Get rid of “I will try.” There is no such thing as trying. Either you do. Or you don’t. Commitment is in doing. Success is in commitment.

4 yrs - Translate
Winners will always
have a plan ....
Losers always have
an excuse ....
4 yrs - Translate

The youngest influencer alive? not verified?

4 yrs - Translate


4 yrs - Translate

Teenagers are the purgatory of family gatherings. Too young to be talking with the adults, too old to be playing with children.

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