4 yrs - Translate

Mkijoin mnifollow bas

4 yrs - Translate


4 yrs - Translate

Someone you haven't spoken to for a whole year suddenly texts you - "This is my new number". ???
What for? Because of why?

The Eldoret Rat . changed his profile picture
4 yrs

4 yrs - Translate

Mawazo yako ndiyo msingi wa maisha yako. #thursdaythoughts #thursdaymotivation

Assuh Telles changed his profile picture
4 yrs

Josphat Drizzy changed his profile picture
4 yrs

Joe Kenya changed his profile picture
4 yrs

4 yrs - Translate

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

4 yrs - Translate

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