4 yrs - Translate

Hi.. follow me and i follow you back asap #Growyourcity

Misti Joshi changed her profile picture
4 yrs

4 yrs - Translate

We can all learn "how" but in order to truly understand we need to learn "why". For tasks you know how to do, ask yourself this Wednesday do you know the why behind them.


4 yrs - Translate

Uliambiwa na watu wenu ukue Father ukakataa ati you can't live without sex. Ona Sasa ata hio sex yenyewe hupati na sadaka pia hupati. Double tragedy??

4 yrs - Translate

Unawekea Arsenal kichwa kumbe Luiz na Leno ni vichwa mbaya ?

4 yrs - Translate

Capricorn obsesses over their imperfections, Virgo is paranoid about their imperfections and Taurus bullies themselves on their imperfections lol.

Earth signs are VERY hard on themselves.
#Palcity #Nike #Breakfast

4 yrs - Translate

Confidence is not enough . Try #GodFidence

4 yrs - Translate

Remember to take on this day with #GodFidence

4 yrs - Translate

Good Morning to all Manchester United fans in the world . The rest can get their good morning from their bogus club managers ???? #GGMU #MUFC

4 yrs - Translate

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos will step down from his role as chief executive later this year and transition to the role of executive chair, the company said Tuesday. He will be replaced by Andy Jassy.

Bezos has been Amazon's CEO since its founding in 1995. He oversaw its growth from an online bookseller into a $1.7 trillion global retail and logistics behemoth, which has also made Bezos into one of the world's richest people. #BreakingNews


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