4 yrs - Translate

Aki wakenya tabia ya wakenya

4 yrs - Translate

Tuko na offer huku kwa shop yetu cement 500 simba cement kindly call us hapa kama unataka cement
+254 798 625556

4 yrs - Translate

Na leo jua ni kali,ama ni huku kwetu tu?

4 yrs - Translate

# Better the devil you know

4 yrs - Translate


Teresa Onchangu created a new article
4 yrs - Translate

Develop your self-esteem through clothes. | ##esteem

Develop your self-esteem through clothes.

Develop your self-esteem through clothes.

Wearing nice clothes is now seen to be improving many people's self-esteem.
Karangwa Alphonse changed his profile picture
4 yrs

4 yrs - Translate

We made it halfway through the year! What's your biggest learning from the past 6 months?

4 yrs - Translate

Nothing is best than to have peace of mind and soul. Many trust on material things but they never know that material wealth without peace is vanity. Strive to be at peace with yourself and others

4 yrs - Translate

Meno yasiyo kuuma yanakuwasha nini?

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